Trip report by Ron Coyne, photos by Jocelyn and John
Expect the Unexpected was the theme of the day. I checked the weather forecast before leaving home: 65° by 10:00 am, great - swim trunks and a light shirt will do. Nope: 51° at the put-in, expecting a cold trip I was handed a fleece by Linda Pelkey. At Fred’s Landing where there is never anyone around, it seemed like we found the crowd from the Cherry Festival arrive and park there. So it was like trying to find a parking spot in downtown Traverse City during the Festival.
Taking in the fantastic scenery and daydreaming an unexpected jump from a 10 lb Steelhead just off the bow of my boat sure woke me up. A few minutes later another cleared the stern of Doug’s boat just ahead of me. Every fisherman encountered was friendly and a young gentleman helped with carrying the boats up the hill at the take out.
This section of the river has few houses on it and is absolutely beautiful. There are many obstacles to negotiate, though the current is slower paced. This being my first time on this river, I chose to follow one of our experienced paddlers, be quiet and watch carefully and learn.
The Thank You list:
John and Lois for all the work putting these trips together for us to enjoy. And showing us the not so obvious route around fallen trees blocking the river.
Doug and Lindy for the invite to a good meal after the trip.
Linda Pelkey for the fleece.
Terry for the shuttle service and a good conversation on the way back to the put-in.
Tracie for showing me how to read the good spots to paddle on the river on my very first trip with the club. Aim for the center of the “V” coming at you.
Jocelyn for confirming my favorite quote from Harrison Ford. “I just don’t think of age and time in respect of years. I just have too much experience of people in their seventies who are vigorous and useful and people who are thirty-five that are in lousy physical shape and can’t think straight. I don’t think age has much to do with it.” If one is not inspired by watching her agility and the shape she is in and the wit of this lady you must be blind or dead.
My good friend Vinny for “There’s no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing”
Good for my being there with a great bunch to enjoy a fantastic trip with instead of being on the sofa at home complaining about what’s not on TV.
Jocelyn now: Lois invited me to add comments so ...
John catches Doug holding my canoe while I load Max in.

And off we go.

Here John catches Lindy with fall colors starting to show.

And I catch Ron in the same place.

And then our TAPC Prez, Tracie, against the same backdrop.

Elderly Wood Turtle, judging by the wear on his shell.

Rare Indian Pipe (no chlorophyl; lives on the symbiotic relationship between a fungus & tree roots).

Ron by John.

Fishermen caught my eye and were everywhere.

And all were very friendly.

Prostrate body is simply the dead-tired, up-all-night son of the man waving.

Dad has three on his stringer.

Another successful fisherman.