6th Annual Combined S Br AuSable River Cleanup
With the Anglers Of The AuSable
September 9, 2017
WOW, what a glorious day for a river trip!!!
It started out a bit cool and hazy but with no wind so it was tolerable and it only got
nicer as the day progressed. We had 14 nice people who were experienced and
we had no problems. Lots of AofA people in waders were on the river.
We all worked together to do this cleanup. We found less trash than usual
but we figured they got some of it and the rest was taken by renters who
got a deal from a local livery who gives discounts for bagged river trash.
We had two new people with us and Doug T. from the the DNR provided
a key to the Castle Gate so we could load our boats at the picnic area.
The AofA gave us a nice picnic with music and good food at the Gate's
Lodge afterwards. They recycled 65% of the trash. Good job!!
I want to thank everyone for coming and for doing such a great job for the
South Branch of the AuSable River.
All Photos From This Cleanup
Respectfully submitted:
Norm Fred