September 14, 2017
5th Annual Boardman River - Downtown Section Cleanup

A mixed group from the TAPC, BRCS and Paddle For Pints got together to do
this project.
We all had a great time and we took nine 33 gallon bags of trash out of the river
today. That is down from past years at which we took as many as 15 to 20
bags full out.
We found one sleeping bag and one pillow but they were not in the river.
Paddle For Pints ran our shuttle with their big bus and bought us pizzas from
ALLEY PIZZA in Traverse City. They were delicious!
The National Cherry Festival helped fund the project.
Our experimental trash cans are doing a great job keeping trash out of the river.
This is our last cleanup in this section for the year.
You can see all our photos from this project here:
All Photos From This Project
Respectfully submitted:
Norm Fred