14th Annual Boardman River Clean Sweep
Saturday - May 26, 2018
Today dawned cool and humid after a very hard overnight rain storm.
The sky was clearing by 8:00am and by 9:00, it was gorgeous.
The downtown section met at a new location, Hannah Park, and that worked out well
for both the river crews and the Boardman Pond crews.

The upstream crews met at Brown Bridge as always and it was smooth sailing
from there. Two homeless men came down to the river to help us and they worked
hard to get a lot of trash out of places we would not go.
Thank you Rick and Karl!!!!

Everyone worked hard on their appointed sections and found only a small amount of trash
and accidental debris in the upstream river sections. The downtown section had
its usual amount of trash that was deposited in trash cans along the way.
The river crew stopped on their way to the Holiday Inn and did a shoreline
cleanup of years of accumulated trash along the east side of the break walls.
Ann Riechert and some of her group did two sections because they were camping at
Schecks and took advantage of that time to do a little extra work.
The Picnic at the Nature Center was well attended and even though our regular cook
failed to show, David Fred, Ellen Fred, Donna Hagen, and Bob Fitch took care of
business and it was a huge success.

To see all the photos from the 8 multiple groups, look here:
I want to thank everyone who came out on such a gorgeous day to work to
keep the Boardman River flowing Clean, Cold and Beautiful.
Respectfully Submitted,
Norm Fred
There was one piece of flood debris found in the Upper sections.

It's located here: 44.649036, -85.582080

We will go back and get it later next week.