This trip was originally planned for Saturday, but because of the weather forecast, we postponed the trip to Sunday when it was supposed to be nice. When we got up early Sunday morning, it was raining steadily. Lois and I got on our computers to check the weather radar. It looked to us like the rain would be ending shortly before we were to launch so we went ahead with the trip. Marlene Puska, Harold and Pam Lassers, Susan and Gerald Wilgus, Bob Fitch, Jocelyn Trepte, and Marvin Ison were brave enough to believe us so the trip went as planned. By 9:30 AM the rain had stopped, and we ran the shuttle. Marv Puska was nice enough to take all our drivers back to the put-in. As we launched, the sun came out, and illuminated all the water droplets on the grass along the shore. Because of the rain, the water was high enough that some of us were able to make it over the logs without getting out of our boats. Surprisingly, the mosquitoes were not too bad. The deer flies however, made their presence known as the day warmed up. Other than a few fisherman, we had the river to ourselves. It was a great day to be on the river.
Report and photos by John Heiam



Jocelyn and Max






Typical view of the upper Manistee

Susan powers over a log, while Harold gently eases his boat over the same log

In some places the passage is tight!


Canada anemone

Jocelyn discovers some wild strawberries ready to be eaten.

The river widens as you proceed down stream.