Everyone was very gracious about thanking us for hosting the trip, and said they had a great time. Attendees were Tracie, Jackie, Glenn, Ron, Doug, Lindy, Mike, Betty, Becky, Deena, Steve, Lois & John. We asked for a volunteer to write up a trip report and our esteemed president offered; we really appreciate it! Lois & John
Report by Tracie; photos by John
Beautiful weather for a trip on the bay around the tip of Old Mission peninsula to the lighthouse & back ordered up by John H. Boats herded up & led in an orderly procession by Lois.
There were many colors & styles of kayaks ranging in length from 18.5-12.5 feet. All launched with ease from Haserot Park due to the calmness of the morning water. The water was gorgeous colors of turquoise, green, dark blue, & clear gold with a sandy bottom. A few large boulders were encountered but easily avoidable.
The group beached their boats for a picnic lunch at the lighthouse, some venturing up to the tables in the shade, some remaining on the beach for a quick lunch & a swim.
On the return trip, the wind picked up slightly plus there was a bit of power boat & jet ski activity which made for a more lively wave action that in turn delighted many of the participants.
Another well organized & well planned outing hosted by John & Lois thoroughly enjoyed by club members!