4th Annual S Br AuSable River Cleanup
With Westminster Campers and Staff
Thursday - July 19, 2018

It was a gorgeous, cool but windy day on the S Br. The wind was from the south,
so it pushed us downstream All Day! What a great time we had.
We've done this event for 10 years but it's the 4th time the camp kids helped us.
These kids caught on fast and were doing draw strokes by the end of the day.
They picked up a bunch of trash and did a great job of keeping upright so
it didn't get back in the river.
A DNR Americorp volunteer arrived to help us out, too.
We got pretty spread out, so I didn't get photos of everyone but I did what I could.
We all had fun and did a good deed for the river.
People do appreciate what we do. A guy bought us breakfast on Friday
when he heard we had done a cleanup with the campers.
He thought that was SO COOL!
Here are the photos I did take.
All Photos From S Br AuSable
Many thanks to the following people:
Jim Bates for our shuttle.
The DNR for the key to the Castle Gate.
Tom at Paddle Brave for helping us out with disposal of the trash.
Respectfully submitted,
Norm Fred