Trip report by Luke Melin, age 8
My dad was a little nervous because he had never been kayaking before. I was excited to be on a new adventure. We started at a dam that held back a lot of water. John taught him some basic moves before we got into the water. Soon after we began it was scary because my dad tipped. I heard the whistle tweets and that signaled someone had tipped. All the other kayakers were helpful and helped my dad to shore. After that we hit eddies and it was wavy and the water was very fast. We got turned around in many eddies. We stopped for lunch on a bank. I almost sat in deer poop. Right before we left, we found a better site to eat with a fire pit. While we were eating we saw a bald eagle. When we got back on the river we actually saw an eagle eating an enormous fish on the bank! The river made me fall asleep. Ms. Lois and my mom made the ride very smooth! We saw many mergansers, waterfalls and went under a bridge! At the end of the trip we went under a bridge under construction. We unloaded and went home, it was a great trip!
People: Lois & John, Sue & Gerald, Donna & Tom, Katie & Rob & Luke, Caralee, Linda W
Photos by John
Luke's dad, Rob

The eagle


Sue in her brand hew kayak!


Rob, Katie, Luke (hidden) and Lois

Lois, Luke (napping) and Katie