Saturday, May 11, 2019
Lower Commons / Kids Creek Cleanup
Funded by Alliance Beverage Distributors - Traverse City
We did a recon on Monday, May 6th and found all the places that needed work.
Recon Photos
On Saturday, only 7 showed up but that didn't stop us.
We had gotten a golf cart from the TC Golf Club. It was huge help.
We used it to carry and drag the bundles of tents, tarps and trash out to the road.

A few more homeless people came out to help at about 10:30 which was nice.
By the end we had 9 people helping and about that many watching.
They took about 90 bags of trash out of the woods which was a good day's work.
We did not get all that we had hoped to but we got a lot.
Burger King Whoppers were provided by the BK at Meijers.
All photos can be seen here:
All Photos Here
Thank you to Alliance Beverage Distributors for helping do this project every year.
Respectfully submitted,
Norm Fred