The morning was overcast and threatening rain maybe. But at least it was dry. Eight of us set off just before 10am - Lois and John, Tracie, Jacalyn, Ron, Jocelyn, Marlene and me (Jacqui Morgenstein).
As predicted, the river was high and fast with many challenges in the form of fallen trees, low branches, submerged rocks, deceptively quiet eddies. I really enjoyed the slalom-like nature of the run, many opportunities to improve my paddling skills! We saw a huge painted turtle, so old and wise he didn't bother to dive when we passed - unlike his smaller companion. And the couple of fishermen we met looked like pale giant statues as they were standing so much higher than our small kayaks.
We reached the pull-out at Deadstream Road in 2.5 hours - much faster than usual, thanks to the speed of the river. My app says that was 9.25 miles. Awesome! And then it started to rain which was not at all what the weathermen had promised us!
The quest for food was quite frustrating owing to the fact that it was 1pm on Fathers' Day, so everywhere was either full or shut. But those of us who persevered did eventually get fed, so all was OK with our worlds.
Photos by John, Jocelyn, and Jacqui