A Power Island Paddle Limerick
by Kathleen Imre
We left from the Harbor of Bower
To paddle to the Island of Power.
Lois, Donna and Tom,
Bert, Kathleen and John,
With smooth seas and no chance of a shower.
Our kayaks - all primary hues:
Red, yellow and true azure blue.
With stories galore,
It was never a bore.
And five of us like MSU!
Bassett Isle is no longer connected.
With high water, that’s not unexpected.
We had lunch near the shore
Where the power boats moored.
The bugs made our first choice rejected.
There were so many things we did see!
I’m sure you will surely agree!
A fetch dog and gulls,
A lost paddleboat’s hull.
And the big unicorn filled us with glee!
With a circling of both of the isles,
It added a bit more to the miles
That we paddled this day
In Grand Traverse Bay.
But it made for more kayaking smiles!
Thanks so much, Lois and John!
Photos and captions by John
Remember when we had a beach to stage our kayaks?

An interesting vessel moored on Power Island

Looking for a lunch spot.

Kathleen demonstrates a roll. This part I can do!

Notice the water coming off of Kathleen's head. This is the part of a roll I can't do!