July 25, 2019
14th Annual Jordan River Cleanup

There were 5 of us and it turned out to be the exact number we needed to
have a great time.
The river was running fast but not particularly high for some reason.
We found mostly new trash which was encouraging since old
trash denotes that our efforts have been inadequate in the past.
We had fun with lots of shoes, full beer cans, water bottles and the ever present
empty beer cans on the bottom of the river. Those are the tough ones.
Marlene was our spotter. She can see stuff that's not there and then it is.
Glen gets the prize for the most slimy trash in one boat.
The finds of the day were an Old Town extra canoe seat and a boat cushion.
We were done by 2:30 and then we had $1.50 ice creme at the McD's in Mancelona.
All Photos
Respectfully submitted,
Norm Fred