3rd Annual Torch River and Torch Sandbar Cleanup
Sponsored by the Paddle Antrim Ripple Effect Grant Program
Saturday, August 31, 2019

The weather was perfect with cool temps, no wind and high overcast.
This project was done with the help and financial assistance to the BRCS of the
Paddle Antrim Ripple Effect Grant Program for which we are very grateful.
They helped us to acquire extendable spears and grabbers for doing cleanups in
deeper water like we find at this location. These new tools worked really well
for our project today. We all wore pfds as required by the grant provider.
We had hoped for more people to come but the 6 people who arrived turned out
to be the exact number we needed. More people would have caused parking problems.
There were 5 Club Members and Bob, a local resident, who happened to be at
the putin and who joined us just for fun.
We found NO TRASH OR CANS on the Sandbar, NONE!!! Which was shocking
but which allowed us to continue to the river to work there.
In the river section, we found trash and cans in deep water which we were
able to get with our new spears.

So, we paddled a mile downstream and returned with only 1 full bag of trash among all of us.

We all agreed that it was a fun morning on the water and we felt happy that we were
able to take as much out as we did. We definitely left it better than we found it.
After a pizza at Fabinao's, we headed home with plans to do it again next time.
All the photos can be seen here:
All Photos
Respectfully submitted,
Norm Fred