May 1 Lake Dubonnet
Lois Goldstein | Published on 5/1/2020
What more could we ask for? Temperatures in the mid-60s? Bright sunshine after 2 days of heavy rain? FINALLY seeing friends outdoors in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic? For me that was the best part of this afternoon's paddle, plus the bald eagle and the opportunity to paddle the far reaches of Lake Dubonnet without the usual summer foliage to paddle through.
People came out of the woodwork, even though the trip was posted only two days in advance. It was wonderful to have Marlene (with Marv along for the ride), Mike R, Jocelyn, Sara, Pam, Harold, Linda P joining John and me for this "adventure".
Lois Goldstein
Harold & Pam

Marlene, Jocelyn, Mike

Linda, Mike, Pam, Lois and Jocelyn, all at a socially acceptable distance from each other





Turtles who are unaware of the COVID-19 quarantine orders

John & Lois

Exploring the far reaches of the lake

Big eagle on huge nest - easy to see at this time of year