Note from Lois, the trip host: I asked for a volunteer to write up a short report about the trip, and Kathleen Imre eagerly came forward; she is a true wordsmith! Photos by John & Jocelyn
A Pine River Limerick
There once was a river named Pine,
When paddled is simply divine.
Sue, Lois, John, Harold
Kath, Jocelyn, Tom, Gerald,
Woody, though, had to decline.
At Dobson we unloaded gear
Under skies that were starting to clear.
We drove down to Low,
With Mark Miltner in tow,
To which Safe-Distancing we all adhered!
This week there were whole days that rained.
And the Pine was the place where it drained.
Jake and Mark cleared felled trees.
And this guarantees
That a passage was always maintained. (Almost!)
On this river where nature abounds
The birdsong was always around.
Seeing mother Wood Duck
Was a good bit of luck.
And the mink in the eddy astounds!
At Peterson we each had a snack
To recharge us before heading back,
To the river so quick,
With channels to pick,
And current that never was slack.
One paddler did have a flip
Where a tree had decided to tip.
Although he got tossed
No gear was lost
And we safely continued our trip.
I think it’s quite safe to say
That we all had a great paddling day
On the river called Pine.
It’s a favorite of mine!
A place where good paddlers can play!
Everyone wearing masks and spreading out

Harold showing how light his boat is







Harold prepares to duck - he made it through