Michigan's mighty Pine River can become gnarly when trees are down. Why do I share this observation, initially, when preparing the Traverse Area Paddle Club (TAPC) trip report of our June 13th, 2020, paddle from Skookum to Elm Flats?
The truth is that the wood in the Pine River generally doesn't clear itself. Additionally, the cans, bottles, and plastic, which also accumulate in the Pine, don't clear themselves.
Finally, paddle trips don't plan themselves. People must do all these things.
Lois Goldstein understands the dynamics of the Pine River as well as anyone. A teacher of mathematics, she is also an avid paddler and the Outings Chair for the TAPC. Lois has long been a driving force and catalyst of positive change for Michigan waterways, specifically the Pine.
The Pine River's stewards include a variety of people and organizations, but Lois acknowledges that Pine River Paddlesports Center is fundamental in keeping the Pine pristine. This is why Lois Goldstein and the TAPC support owners Mark, Jacob, and Alaney Miltner in their efforts to maintain and clean the river.
Mark Miltner, with his family, friends, and fellow paddlers, removes limbs, debris, and trash from the Pine River, annually. Mark and his family often help Lois coordinate Pine cleanups, as well.
I am a fellow paddler who tags along on many of Lois Goldstein's TAPC paddles and cleanups, and am honored to do so. The persons who truly know Lois and other TAPC members will attest that the club's intent runs as true as our Michigan rivers.
In addition to her purely pleasure paddles, Lois has already scheduled two Pine River cleanups on the TAPC website: June 18th and 30th. Interested persons may contact Lois Goldstein or visit the TAPC website at https://www.traverseareapaddleclub.org/
Ten paddlers came along for a quick slide down the Pine River on Saturday, June 13th, 2020: Marlene Puska, John Heiam, Lois Goldstein, Jocelyn Trepte, Sara Cockrell, Kathleen Imre, Jacalyn Anderson, Ron Coyne, Tracie Lord, and me, Glenn Bier.
Following is my personal, possibly verbose and garrulous description of Lois's TAPC paddle - Skookum to Elm Flats. Probably ponderous and pretentious, prodigious pictures from our proficient photographer participants perhaps parlay my petulant parlez-vous francais...
In summary, no boats or members got wet this day, except, perhaps, on said bottoms. Also, we did get some nasty trash off this upper stretch, including yours truly. Finally, great fun and comradery seemed shared by all despite my best efforts.
A big thank you to Lois Goldstein and this fine group of skilled and conscientious paddlers for another glorious day on the river.
Photos by John & Jocelyn
Waiting for the paddlers to return from the car shuttle

Social distancing during the shuttle by riding in the back of the pickup - it is legal

Wood turtle

Lois and Jackie
Swallowtail butterfly
Ron and John