Good Morning on the Upper Platte
Nine TAPC members paddled from Veteran's Park to Deadstream Road. This stretch of river is 9.6 miles long according to android phone gps. The group consisted of our leaders Lois & John plus Pam & Harold, Sara, Jocelyn, Marlene, new member Robyn (Welcome!) and Mike. Thanks, Marv, for running the shuttle!
It was a beautiful day and nice to be on the river. Robyn spied a couple of river otters as we paddled and since Mike was nearby, he also got a good look. Unfortunately, we have no photo evidence of this unusual event. Today we didn't stop for shore lunch, but we did take one break.
The only excitement occurred when paddling through the Honor residential section. A large intimidating, black, barking dog challenged every boat that went by, threatening to enter the water to protect its property. Its owners just watched without a word. We pretty much had the river to ourselves until the Deadstream turn off. There we passed four 20-somethings standing in the water (their boats up on shore) chatting and listening to loud music playing. Despite the momentary disturbances, fun was had by all today!
Trip report by Mike Rodenberg
Photos by John, Jocelyn & Sara