August 25 Boardman cleanup, Shumsky to Beitner
Lois Goldstein | Published on 8/25/2020
After all these years, we have done it!
On a lovely Tuesday morning, Marlene, Linda and I (Lois) set out to clean the Boardman from Shumsky to Beitner. This section is heavily used by both paddlers and the tubing crowd, and we expected to find lots of debris since we hadn't cleaned it since early June. What a delightful surprise! We worked for 2.5 hours and found only minimal stuff. In fact, my bag only got filled when I stopped at the log jam just across from the takeout, where I got a mother lode of things from bottles to a hiking boot. Linda and Marlene used the tag-team approach, with one spotting and the other retrieving. It was tough to find things, but the river is now spotless! We all celebrated with lunch at Opa with Marv and John, our support team.
We have made a difference, which is wonderful to see after almost two decades of cleaning the river. Thanks to Norm for his encouragement.
Marlene getting in at Shumsky

Linda, about to set out

This was all we found!