September 18 South Branch of the AuSable
John Heiam | Published on 9/18/2020
Photos by John and Jocelyn
Thanks to Terry and Mike, who braved a chilly ride in the back of Marv's truck to allow all of us to be socially distant from one another.

Meanwhile, the others left guarding the boats were entertained by four chickens

Once on the river, we were all treated to our first glimpses of fall

This eagle sat watching our entire group pass under his/her perch

This great blue heron gave us an escort down the river

Spreading out at lunch has become the norm

At lunch, we noticed a few late summer flowers still clinging to life.

After lunch, we continued to be entertained by autumn's early preview.
This is Jocelyn paddling John's canoe. 
And John test paddling Jocelyn's canoe.


Cyndi, Donna, and Marlene

Donna, Gail, Ron, Marlene, Jackie, and Lois

Jocelyn discovered this interesting infestation of woolly aphids