Crystal River Cleanup 9-24-20
Linnaea Melcarek | Published on 9/24/2020
A small crew of volunteers gathered at 9:30 on September 24 to help clean up the Crystal River, as part of the "Adopt-A-River" program for Friends of the Sleeping Bear Dunes. TAPC members Linnaea Melcarek and Mitch Treadwell were among the volunteers. Three others also helped out, two of them employees of Crystal River Outfitters, as well as Denny Becker of Friends of Sleeping Bear. Overall, trash in the river wasn't quite as bad as expected, but there was definitely trash to be found. Empty beer cans, full and partially full water bottles, single flip flops, a towel, worm containers, and a couple masks were among the items found. We filled about four bags of trash. Linnaea found four unopened cans, an unprecedented bounty for her. By far the most trash-laden spot was just after the tubes, in the trees where many paddlers get caught and overturn their boat.
Mitch and Linnaea search for trash.
Linnaea's bag of trash is growing. A found Elsa figurine acts as mascot. Mitch seen in the distance getting ready to "shoot the tube."
Mitch getting that trash. Most of the Crystal has a natural shoreline, which can easily trap items lost by paddlers.
The Crystal is always beautiful, even on a cleanup trip.
Linnaea's river prizes!