September 20 Paddle the Muskegon
John Heiam | Published on 9/20/2020
Ron Coyne led Jackie Anderson, Cyndi Dickey, Terry Dickey, John Heiam, Lois Goldstein, Bob Michela, Marlene Puska, Jocelyn Trepte, Mike Rodenberg, Angie Willis, and John Willis on this exploratory trip on the Muskegon. We put in at the access where M-66 crosses the Muskegon and we paddled about ten miles to a park in the town of Evart. The water was remarkably clear, and we could see the sand bottom all the way down the river. It is no wonder this stretch of river is used by tubers in the summer. About midway through the paddle we stopped for lunch at the only other access on the river. There did not appear to be much public land along the river. As you can see by Jocelyn's photos below, we had beautiful weather for the trip.
This access made it really easy to launch. There is a concrete ramp that lets people drive down to the water's edge

Cyndi and Terry enjoy their lunch

John and Lois use a canoe seat for a table

Ron and Jackie discuss who is buying supper on the way home.

Typical river scenery

This bridge is just before the take out on river right.