The rain held off until the end of the day! It was 41 when we began and I'm not sure if it ever reached 50. But at least we were dry. Good conversations as we paddled downstream. Everyone helped with shuttles.
Interesting sideline: a group of guys from downstate were about to embark on an overnight camping trip, with enough gear for a month. The outfitter had dropped off 4 canoes, but only one paddle!
Our crew as we left the M-66 access:




Ron taking a photo of John


Mike Rodenberg



Missing from the photos are John and Mike Gardiner. The rest of these photos are the group making their way down the river.

This great blue heron decided to pose for us.

The group at lunch - minus Ron the photographer. From left to right:
Harold and Pam, Betty and Mike G, Tom and Donna, Mike R, Lois and John, and Jackie

Lesson learned:
The driving directions on our website often include coordinates only as a rough estimate of the location. A navigator finds a street address that is closest to the location, and that street address can be on the wrong side of the river. We have that warning at the top of the driving directions page. At least three cars trusted their navigators, but fortunately, they had left home early enough so that we still ran the shuttle on time. It is much better idea to look at the Google map satellite view, and see where the access is and what it looks like. Then follow the actual narrative in the driving directions.