June 12, 2021
Betsie River Clean Sweep

We teamed up with the nice people at BCD to do the Betsie Clean Sweep
for the 9th time.
The TAPC/BRCS crew was composed of some veterans and some new
people who worked really well togther.
The Homestead Dam section was a mess as usual with tons of fishing line but
not as bad as we have seen it in the past considering it has been 2 years since
it has been cleaned because of COVID-19.
One mile of river surely took it's toll on our energy, skills, tested us in many
ways and some blood was shed but we left the river a lot better than we found it.
I want to thank the volunteers who cheerfully and happily worked really hard to
make the river a nicer place for wildlife and other people to use.
Selfless service is no better shared than doing this sort of work.
We had a special presentation to one of our most cherished members that
we were able to do in a private ceremony away from the others.
That was nice. I will make a separate post for that.
Marvin Puska Presentation
Here are all the photos so far from today's project.
We want to especially thank the nice people, Chris and Misti Rasure, at the
for letting us use their beautiful property to park, take out and dispose of the litter.
We didn't know of this location before but we love it there.
Take a look the next time you are in Benzonia looking for a river vacation spot.
Respectfully submitted:
Norm Fred