July 1 Sturgeon for the birthday boy
Lois Goldstein | Published on 7/1/2021
It was Ron's birthday - only 3 years to go until he can get his National Park Senior Pass - but we celebrated all day long. The group also included his partner in crime (and chief cookie baker), Jackie, plus Paul, who was invaluable in helping with safety and shuttle services. Jocelyn served as trip photographer, and I offered to do the report. Also a major asset to the crew was the family who helped haul our boats and gear up the slope when we ended at Fisher Woods Road.
As is normal for the Sturgeon, there were hundreds of back ferries and eddy turns to avoid all the downed trees in the water. We never saw any other paddlers all day long. A couple of folks came to look at the river while we ate our late lunch at Rondo Road. Nobody got stuck on any stumps, or took any extra moisture into their boats: 2 solo canoes and 3 kayaks. We had one very easy portage around a newly fallen tree - with special big-time thanks to Paul for hauling Jocelyn's and my canoes around it. All in all, a delightful day!
Ron, Paul, Jackie, and Lois

Lois inspects upstream of a fallen tree

Given the relatively swift current, Jackie played a trick on the unsuspecting birthday boy for quite some time

Thanks, Ron, for sharing your birthday with us on a favorite river