July 11 Betsie River Thompsonville to County Line
Tracie M Lord | Published on 7/11/2021
14 miles
4.5 hrs
lunch at Kurick Rd bridge downstream side river left.
6 kayaks
2 canoes
Zero dumps
Lots of maneuvering to find a channel between gravel or sand bars
Some slide overs & limbos
A pushy spot or two
100% fun was had by all
Respectfully submitted, Tracie Lord
Photos -- Jocelyn Trepte
Paul Wilkins at the Wolf Road put-in.

Ron Coyne, Tracie Lord, Lindy Barnes, Paul.

Passing under Lindy Road.

One of many gravel bar issues. Jacqui Morgenstein and Mike Rodenberg.

Passing under 115.

Mike Rodenberg contemplates which culvert to take under Kurick Road.

We missed Jackie Anderson (who was tending Bella back home), but trip leader Ron Coyne shared treats she had made with Paul and the rest of us.

Marlene Puska and Jacqui Morgenstein setting again out after lunch spot.

Mike paddles under one of several fallen basswood trees.

Collage of this and that -- wood turtle, bur-reed (cat-tail family), green frog, blue vervain, hop tree in blossom (citrus family!), Joe-pye weed.
Ron goofs around with one of many pieces of trash we collected on this non-cleanup paddle.

By the end we had filled an entire National Rivers Clean-Up bag!