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Traverse Area Paddle Club

Remember: all TAPC outings are listed on our event calendar and are color coded using this scheme:


Small Inland Lakes   

Great Lakes   

Easy Rivers 

Intermediate Rivers  

Difficult Rivers 
Clean-up Trips 

Out-of-town Trips 

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Help Desk at

(866) 457-2582

Monday - Friday,

8:30 AM - 7 PM Eastern Time

Trip Reports

July 19 Pine cleanup from Walker to Elm Flats

Lois Goldstein | Published on 7/19/2021
This trip had us finding the smallest amount of trash on any Pine cleanup ever (1/2 large bag), and a bunch of our finds were from the lunch stop at the Lincoln Bridge access.  And, it had the greatest volume (noise-wise), since we got to watch Mark Miltner use a chain saw - while standing in the canoe - to take care of some safety work.  Amazing!
We had postponed the trip a few days, and there were only 5 of us (Mark, John, Jacqui, Wayne and me - Lois), but it was a super team.  What a difference we have made!

Photos by John

Staging took place on Mark's back lawn

We are donating to the Mark Miltner "get that guy a new PFD" fund

Most of the time, things were very peaceful

Bee balm/bergamot 

Merganser family

Mark encouraging Lois to get a foil pill package off the bottom

Wayne likes his spear!

Mark doing safety work

Then standing to chop off chunks of this tree - just enough - not too much

Not much to show for our day of work - isn't that great!