Trip Report by Loretta Pickford: Upper Pine River, Saturday, July 31, 2021, Led by Lois Goldstein & John Heiam
This was a peaceful, and exciting at times, section of the Pine. Ten of us made the trip laid out by Lois and John. Marv provided shuttle service, making that part of the trip easy and enjoyable. Big thanks to them for planning and supporting us! Another big thanks to those who cleaned the river along the way!
Participants includes Lois and John, Harold and Pam L, Wayne A, Marlene P, Mike R, Kent S, Jocelyn T and Loretta P.
The beginning section of the paddle offered lots of opportunity for maneuvering around rocks and low water areas. Everyone fared well with this exciting part. After that it was smooth floating. Kent shared how he was checking the mineral content of the rocks as he passed by them! I was simply doing my best to miss them! (Note from editor: Lois claimed that she missed every gravel bar - HAH - she also mentioned that she was glad she had brought a plastic boat)
We enjoyed a picnic lunch at the Skookum access with lively conversation. The Traverse City Film Festival and other topics were enjoyed as we relaxed for lunch. During one conversation the topic of motorcycles came up and some of us learned we have riding in common. The Harley riders defended (in the spirit of fun) questions about why we would choose that brand. Update for future trips: The “back door” beach area at Skookum is smaller and pulling boats up the bank was tricky.
Some highlights from the group: It was a new and enjoyable section of the Pine for some. Pam had a green frog join her in the canoe. Other wildlife sightings included 3 deer, a blue heron, and an eagle. We enjoyed the wildflowers, smell of cedar and the peacefulness of this remote part of the river.
Photos by John & Jocelyn
Pam, Marlene, & Lois wait for the shuttle drivers to return









Mike with a trash treasure

Seasonal flowers: Great Lobelia, thistle, Campanula

Wood turtle

Jocelyn shows off her trash finding expertise