July 18 Pigeon River
Jocelyn Trepte | Published on 7/18/2021
A photo account with eleven on board: Brad, Gail, Jackie, Jacqui, Jocelyn, Lambert, Olivia, Mike, Paul, Tracie, and our leader, Ron. Be sure to check out the very last shot!
Put-in off Old Vanderbilt Road (Tracie's otter launch, Gail, Mike looking on in amazement)

The gang

Jackie, Jacqui, Tracie, Bert and trees across the river

Gail eating yoghurt without a spoon Paul having a good time

Mike and Ron on the first portage

Checking out the second total blockage from upstream

After much sawing, a way through is opened and people are lined down the channel

Jackie and Ron returned Bert's boat to his house since he wasn't going directly home. :-)

Bert's Revenge - Ron's wood strip in the tree this time