September 25 Main AuSable
Lois Goldstein | Published on 9/25/2021
After a rainy week, we were all glad to get out on the river again, with some light fall color from Grayling to Stephan Bridge. Special thanks to Penrod's, which allows us to use their launch area even when we have Marvelous Marv ready to transport our drivers back after we move our vehicles.
Most of us began with a hearty meal at Shirley's in the Woods restaurant. The newbies were amazed at the quantity and quality of the food, and a few had so much that they had to ask for a box for the cranberry walnut bread. Lots of laughs at our big round table. Marv's story about the rental car (when he was bleeding from the head) just about toppled the table.
So then John & Lois, Pam & Harold, Irene & Paul and Marv & Marlene headed to Grayling to meet up with Jacqui. It was a cool day, but without rain, so for many of us, it was our first time in boots, hats and gloves since last spring. We even had a tailwind! Saw some wildlife and a handful of fishermen. And told lots of stories. Paul and Irene got use out of their new gear, blaming us for their recent high bills at outdoor shops. They also learned some new useful paddling techniques. Aren't peel-outs cool? Eddy lines rock!
We took a short break at Burton's Landing and finished before 5 PM.
Photos by John &Jacqui