October 9, Manistee M-66 to Lucas
Lois Goldstein | Published on 10/9/2021
People: Lois & John, Paul & Irene, Pam & Harold, Kathie W (on her first TAPC river trip), Marlene, Wayne and Linnaea
Two registrants left the access shortly after they arrived; it had rained during the drive, and they bowed out. Moral of the story: always use a cockpit cover. In fact, I had bought a new one for John last month, when we discovered that his old coated nylon one was kaput. The new neoprene one is tight, but it works well!
So it was fortunate that we had only 6 drivers for the shuttle, and nobody had to sit in the back of Marv's truck. We began in a light rain, which lasted for a couple of hours, but it didn't get in the way of viewing the gorgeous peak fall colors. Paddling was pretty easy, and conversation make the trip go quickly. The river gods smiled on us, and the sun came out about five minutes before we stopped for lunch at Rainbow Jim's access.
Linnaea had picked up a dry box that she was able to return when the group arrived to take out: ten boats for eight people, so they were towing a raft and extra kayak for their stuff.
Sunny skies and warm temps blessed us for the rest of the afternoon; a good time was had by all.
Wayne and Linnea


Irene and Lois

Wayne, Irene and Lois

Our Group- John, Marlene, Pam, Kathy, Linnaea, Wayne, Paul, Lois, and Irene
(Harold behind the camera)

Leaving our lunch spot at Rainbow Jim's - notice the blue sky

Marlene, Paul, Irene, and Lois pose for a photo

Pam, Lois, Kathy, and Irene

Irene and Lois

Pam and Harold

Pam, Harold, Lois, Paul, Kathy, and Marlene pose for a photo

Approaching the take out at Lucas Road