The fall TAPC party at Bradley’s in their private room was the first inside gathering since Covid arrived -- with projected photos from trips of the season, a newly created “Boardman River Super Sweeper Award" bestowed by Norm and Becky on Mike, fine fare including the most popular menu item, bluegills, and much reminiscing. Lois hoped those of us present would all lead several trips next season. Everyone received a brand new boat sponge as a party favor.
Pam, Harold, Gerald, Sue, Paul (new Board member), Irene, Brad

Peggy, Danny, Marlene, Marv

Lois, Tom, Donna (new Board member), Terry, Cyndi, Maxi

On a Boardman River Clean Sweep paddle this summer, Becky spied a red rod buried in the sand, and Mike got out to get it. VOILA! The biggest broom we had ever found which cried out for ...

A BOARDMAN RIVER SUPER SWEEPER AWARD, which Norm and Becky presented to Mike.

Marv Roseanne Terry

All the photos for the meeting can be seen here:
All Photos