PERE MARQUETTE RIVER - Bowman to Upper Branch
May 29, 2022
Participants: Lois Goldstein, Paul & Irene Marcussen, Wayne Andersen, Marlene Puska, Jocelyn Trepte, Tom Lipps & Donna Steinebach. Trip Report by Donna.
The sense of smell is closely linked with memory, perhaps more so than any of our other senses. With that being said, the eight of us who paddled the Pere Marquette today may forever associate the intense smell of honeysuckle in bloom to the memory of today's paddle. And a wonderful memory it is.
Early arrivals at the launch site at Bowman allowed for a prompt shuttle, and the start of a near perfect paddle. The sun was shining brightly in a cloudless sky and the thermometer was steadily rising. Many shed layers of clothing before the paddle even started, and those that didn’t eventually made the transition to summertime attire during the lunch break. Temps reached near mid-80’s - a very welcome relief from a cool Spring.

Not far into the paddle a Bald Eagle was spotted perched high in a tree on river left. It watched us as we approached and continued as we passed below, only turning its head to keep us in its sight. The Bald Eagle was just the first of many interesting bird sightings, which included, but was not limited to, Orioles, King Fisher, Merganser Ducks, Mallard Ducks and ducklings.

An abundance of beautiful Spring flowers and trees were in bloom, but none more fragrant than the honeysuckle. At times it smelled like you were paddling behind someone who was wearing very heavy perfume. Wayne provided valuable insight that the massive plantings of honeysuckle were the result of river bank stabilization efforts decades ago. (Note from editor: Jocelyn and Marlene think it was autumn olive)
Below is a sprig of autumn olive. Back side of the leaves are silvery.

Wild Geranium

The current was relatively slow allowing for a relaxed paddle and much conversation, but a few snags reminded us that even the tamest waters still contain hazards. For most of the paddle before lunch we had the river to ourselves. The second half of the paddle we encountered a few more people fishing, paddling, and just lounging on the river bank, but still very light activity considering the fabulous weather and it being Memorial Day weekend.

Marlene took the day’s award for the most matchy-matchy outfit to the colors of her boat. Also on the fashion front, Paul expressed how glad he was to have been introduced to zip-off pants last season. When asked by Lois which rock he had been living under to not know about such pants previously, Paul didn’t miss a beat and quipped that he had been living in a kennel for the past 20 years. That retort received a robust laugh from the group, who knew that Paul ran a dog kennel business in Nebraska prior to retiring and moving to Michigan.
Many thanks to Lois for hosting the trip and obtaining required permits; to Marv Puska for providing shuttle service; and to Jocelyn for taking such amazing photos.
(Editor's Note) Although the Pere Marquette has a moderate current, Rainbow Rapids provides about five minutes of excitement. The following photos were taken in those rapids.

Photos by Jocelyn