July 12 - Upper AuSable River
Jocelyn Trepte | Published on 7/12/2022
Thirteen of us put in on the Upper AuSable near Frederic. The trip covered nine miles over five hours, which included the stop for lunch with some "play" time.
Kathleen, Brad, and Mike return aboard the Marv shuttle truck.
Irene, Marlene, Bob, and Sara launching.
We were a very colorful flotilla.
Lunch break: Brad, Paul & Irene, Mike, Ron, Bob, Kathleen, and Jackie.
Ron builds up speed and does an otter launch from the top of the hill.
Kathleen takes a turn.
Typical river scene.
Two adolescent eagles were busy feeding on something in their nest. We guessed the parents
are still bringing them food and that soon they will learn to fly.
Monarch butterfly caterpillar feeding on swamp milkweed.
Sara, Paul, Ron, Jackie, Brad at Paddle Hard Brewing in Grayling.
Marv with his unique pizza choice.