July 14 - Pine clean up from Dobson to Peterson
Jocelyn Trepte | Published on 7/14/2022
Mark Miltner from Pine River Paddle Sports joined Jacqui Morgenstein, Sue Wilgus,
and Jocelyn on this gorgeous day, the likes of which we wish would continue all summer!.
It was a long stretch, but Mark retrieved a tennis ball balanced on his frog spear.
Jacqui finds insect repellant, which many of us never need to purchase it is such a frequent "find."
A frog spear is great for stabbing hard to reach cans, but it is always a surprise
when one is full and explodes.
Mama wood duck with four adolescents in tow still.
Recent rains raised and muddied the river. Jacqui, Sue, and Mark.
Creepidng Jenny, Bee Balm, Arrowhead/Duck Weed
Swamp MIlkweed & Blue Verbain, Perfoliate Honeysuckle, Nightshade, Crown Vetch