July 19 Pine cleanup Walker to Elm Flats
Jacqui, Jocelyn | Published on 7/19/2022
It was a gorgeous day for a cleanup - hot enough to be glad to get in the water, but not so hot that paddling was a chore. Lois led the trip ably aided and abetted by Wayne, Leslie, Kathleen, Irene, Paul, Susan, Jacqui, Linda, Mike and Jocelyn.
Soon after we started, a group of young girls in canoes overtook us and then proceeded to take it in turns to get stuck on things. Kathleen and Mike managed to release the last of them by getting their boats on top of both ends of the log they were stuck on so as to sink it just enough for them to scooch their canoe off it.

Lois took several opportunities to get wet. Here she's going for a broken paddle blade that kept running away from her:

Paul noticed the biggest Mullein we'd ever seen, so Jocelyn needed a photo!

The only portage - if you could call it that! Wayne helped most of us over the log

But Jocelyn did it her way!

The last catch of the day, just before the takeout. A can firmly stuck almost under a log. Jacqui attempted to get it but ended up swimming in fast water out of her depth. So Lois took over from the shallower side - but it needed Linda's steadying hand for the triumph!

We thought at first that we'd find nothing but the final pile of trash was decent - including Lois' paddle blade, Susan's seat cover, and Kathleen's endless theme of fishing tackle - to go with Jacqui's broken rod.
Photos by Jocelyn & Jacqui
Mike, Jocelyn Sue, Wayne, Paul M, Leslie
Linda, Lois, Jacqui, Irene, Kathleen
Photo taken by Mark Miltner, who couldn't join us today, but provided a launch site at his house and a shuttle service.

Leslie and Lois with three full cans of coke found in the river.

Sue and her placemat

Irene grabbing water & Lois with a paddle blade recovered from the deep.

Monarch on swamp milkweed.

The river was clear, save for this one fallen tree; team effort fed boats over, though Jocelyn ducked under in her canoe on the far left.

View from the downstream side


Wayne and Leslie paddled tandem.

Natural springs bubbled up through the sand in the foreground.

Small butterfly on Bee Balm, honey bee on giant St. John's Wort, Chickweed (non-native);
a variety of Black-eyed Susan, large Fishing Spider, Crown Vetch.

Our stash at the finish line: Wayne, Leslie, Linda, Paul, Sue, Jocelyn, Lois
Kathleen, Jacqui, Irene - Thanks to Mike for the photo