Lois, Kathleen, and Jackie, the trip host, at the put-in at Briar Patch.
Typical scene withy Kathleen, Ron, Marlene.
Nightshade berries are turning red and Woodland Sunflowers are out.
Kathleen towed a wreck of a raft to the bridge around the bend while Ron shepherded it along. A fisherman told us he would take it home and dispose of it when he reached the bridge later.
Mike pulled the water-laden raft ashore.
Mike did the lifting to drain the monstrosity, and after repeated stabs from Kathleen, all the water finally drained out. Marlene and Ron look on.
Mike transported a chair, our second piece of trash, back to the take-out and then home.
Kathleen, Mike, Ron, Jackie, Marlene, and Lois lunching at Skookum.
Collage of more of what we saw along the way:
Eagle soared overhead, Fishing Spider;
Painted Turtle, Cardinal Flower;
photo shot through a skeleton leaf, Wild Cucumber;
Tag Alder; Hummingbird Moth
Mike going through one of the occasional patches of white water we encountered.