September 5 Boardman, Scheck's to Shumsky
Lois Goldstein | Published on 9/5/2022
It was 49 degrees when we woke up, and 43 when we arrived at the put-in at Scheck's Campground. But everyone was dressed properly - who knew I'd put on high rubber boots 3 days after I was paddling in a swimsuit? By the time we were done running the shuttle, it was up to 57, and three hours later, we took out at Shumsky in 75 degree temps. I had planned the trip fairly early, since I was concerned about meeting hordes of other river users, but the only other folks we spotted were 3 paddlers from Indiana who were launching when we were done.
Jacqui and Nikolaj helped by returning the drivers in the morning, while Will transported them and her kayak back after we were done. I always appreciate it when others are there to help out with logistics. And having a 28 year old along to haul boats is a major plus!
Others included Irene and Paul, who was able to fit into some brand new NRS Boundary Boots that I had just purchased, but turned out to be too tight for me. He was grateful for dry feet. Camille had just arrived this weekend from Las Cruces NM, to join her hubby John and dog Piper in the tandem canoe. She was thrilled to be in the land of greenery. It was great to have Donna and Tom along, since they have been involved with other matters this summer, and Tom's wrist didn't complain too much. My hubby John directed the operation, and is slowly getting back into paddling mode after this spring's back surgery. We're all getting old! Except Nikolaj.
One highlight occurred during a brief rest stop at Brown Bridge Landing: suddenly a light green kayak was turned over, dumping its occupant into the water. Not sure exactly how it happened; I looked over and saw the bottom of the boat. Glad she had a dump bag, and a place to change to dry clothes.
Six of us went out for lunch at Bergstrom's Burgers, which was open for Labor Day - several restaurants weren't. Fortunately I had called the day before to find out which ones would be available. The place is a hit! We enjoyed reliving the day's events, and filling our bellies. A great Labor Day tradition!
Photos by John and Irene
At the launch site at Scheck's Campground

Lois & Donna, still in fleece

Will & Paul

Marlene & Paul

Camille & John Walton, and Piper

Will & Jacqui

Nikolaj (on a visit home from Bozeman)

Irene's shot from the bridge at BBL; Tom in the foreground

A teensy bit of fall color, with Paul and Lois

Piper is hiding behind Camille

Can you believe it's been ten years since the dam was removed and this was a mucky pond?

Will looking dapper