September 6 Skipping school on the Jordan
Lois Goldstein | Published on 9/6/2022
Everyone agreed that having a trip that began later in the day was a nice change, and most of us met at Shirley's in Mancelona for lunch at noon. I highly recommend the make-your-own omelet with American fries and the homemade cranberry walnut bread. Jocelyn goes for the homemade hash with eggs. The place was packed on the day after Labor Day, and as a retired teacher, it was nice to sleep in a bit. I will be back volunteering at TC Central HS tomorrow, my 23rd year helping out in calculus classes. But today was pure outdoor fun!
Eleven of us met for the meal, including myself, Jocelyn, Marv & Marlene, Angie and John W, Irene & Paul, Bob M, Camille and John W. Later we met up with the rest of the crew, Jacqui and Dawn, at the access at Grave's Crossing on the Jordan River. The weather was considerably warmer than yesterday, with bright sunshine and temps in the high 70s by the time we launched at about 2:15. Three hours later, we took out at Rogers Road. No need for boots and fleece today - just river sandals and tee shirts.
Thank you: Paul for being sweep, Marv for helping with the shuttle, Bob for lifting boats onto cars, John Willis for pumping out a kayak, and everyone for being there and looking out for each other.
Highlights included:
Seeing a group of locals who had just finished a river cleanup - they did a magnificent job!
The lead driver was daydreaming (perhaps it was the Barry Manilow CD taking her back to her youth?), and missed the turn onto Rogers, but no-one got lost and it was her only mistake of 2022.
One member completely missed the cockpit of her kayak when she tried to get back in at Webster. I didn't see it, but apparently she ended up completely under water. It was warm, so she didn't bother changing clothes. A good reason to have "car clothes".
Another accidentally sat in a mud puddle while re-entering her canoe. Fortunately no harm was done - and she did have dry pants to change into before the drive home.
We all agreed that the Jordan is one of the sweetest rivers around, and we all had a great time!
Photos by Jocelyn and Irene

The river at the put-in

A first hint of fall?