It was a beautiful Fall day, so I thought a spontaneous afternoon paddle was in order! Jacqui was the only taker. All you other paddlers out there: you missed a dandy afternoon on Bass Lake! With Jacqui in her Pinguino and I in my Arctic Tern 14, it very well could have been a Pygmy Kayaks advertisement! The sky was a perfect Michigan Blue, there was a light cool NNE breeze, and the Sugar and Red Maples were beginning to turn. Lily pad leaves were changing to orange-brown, as were the cattails and reeds. There were no other boats on the lake. We took our time exploring all the shoreline coves and completed the 5-mile loop in just under 2 hours - a very relaxing paddle. There was at least one Great Blue Heron (quite camera shy) who played aerial hopscotch with us, and a half dozen or so Belted Kingfishers. As this was Jacqui's last paddle of the season here, I hope she'll have good Michigan Fall Color memories to see her back home. The pictures below describe it best!
One of several colorful coves
Camera-shy Great Blue Heron is in circled area