October 9 End of Season Party
Lois Goldstein | Published on 10/9/2022
The party took place at Bradley's in Interlochen, with 25 attendees. One really nice aspect of this venue is that you can choose from anything on the menu, so that some folks had full dinners while others could order a simple sandwich or salad.
The favors this year were little key chains with kayaks or canoes on them, and it was fun to trade with others so that everyone ended up with exactly what they wanted, in the color they preferred.
I had called the restaurant ahead of time to assure that Irene had an extra chair on the end of one table, so she could keep her leg elevated; she busted her kneecap the previous weekend, and the surgery a couple of days later was successful.
People came from near and far; I had never met Little River Dave before, so it was fun to see him in person. Everyone had a ball, and it's always fun to see folks without a sun hat on! We clean up very nicely!
We had an end-of-year report, noting that our membership is the highest it has ever been, but with only 99 outings in 2022, we could use more trip hosts. Lois & John led about half of the outings, with Ron, Norm, Jackie and a few others posting the rest.
One highlight of the evening was Norm's presentation of the Miss Congeniality Award to Marlene; who accepted graciously. He noted that she is always upbeat, with kind words for everyone.
Photos below by Norm (here are more, but unedited http://www.brcleansweep.org/2022_1009_TAPC_Dinner_Small/index.html)

Our group minus Harold who took the photo
Pictured from left to right:
Back row: Rich N, Linnaea, Roseanne, Carrie, Marv, Marlene, Sue W, Gerald, Mike T, John H, Wayne, Donna, Tom, Norm, Paul M, Irene
Front row: Dave R, Pam, Little River Dave, Lois, Leslie, Virginia, Gay

Susan and Gerald

David and Carrie

Paul & Irene (with an ice pack on her busted kneecap)

Rich and Linnaea

Marlene and Norm

Marlene displays her Miss Congeniality award