October 11 Pine River: Elm Flats to Peterson
Lois Goldstein | Published on 10/11/2022
We changed the date of the paddle to take advantage of the best weather we have seen all fall. The following people were able to adjust their schedules so they could enjoy this day on the river: Wayne, Jane, Ron, Leslie, Lois, John, Harold, Tom, Donna, Gerald, and Susan. It was cool (upper 30's) when we met, but by lunch we enjoyed temperatures in the low 70's. We all stripped off our layers of warm clothes as the sun climbed higher in the sky. The colors were good, but not as spectacular as on wider rivers like the Manistee or AuSable. In the morning, the sun was streaming through the trees illuminating the yellow and reds of fall. By afternoon, the light was harsh making the shadows very dark, and the sunlit areas too bright so I didn't take any photos then. Thanks to Mark Miltner and Pine River Paddlesports Center for providing the shuttle.
Trip report and photos by John

Even the access was beautiful

Lois and Donna make their way down the river

Harold in his Vagabond

This was a typical view on the river. One or two brightly colored trees around each bend.

This is my favorite photo from the paddle. Ron in his Remix plowing through the leaves.

Ron and Harold