May 20 Boardman, Forks to Brown Bridge Landing
Lois Goldstein | Published on 5/20/2023
Today we had a "new" member, Michael Caruso, join us on a glorious trip on our hometown river. He has been a member for many years, but hadn't been on a club trip since 2016. Sure hope he comes back often! When I spoke to him the previous day, I explained that this is a very prompt group, and so he wasn't surprised when we were all at the Forks launch site 1/2 hour before the intended time for the shuttle. Thanks once again to Marv Puska for providing that service.
Others on the trip were trip hosts Lois & John, plus Pam & Harold, Irene & Paul, Tom L and Marlene. The water level was perfect, and the sun was shining all afternoon. It had rained this morning, but Mother Nature came through with flying colors. conversation abounded all the way downstream, with topics ranging from the state of downtown TC, calculus classes and bow and stern lines on boats carried on vehicles. We always have them on rivers, but there were differing opinions on cars.
We didn't see a ton of wildlife, but there were still tons off marsh marigolds, and a half dozen fishermen. There were a ton of folks at Peegeo's, where several of us adjourned for dinner.
Photos by Michael and John, Report by Lois
Here's a link to Michael's album:
Staging area at the launch at the Forks

Lois wading in to enter her kayak; Love my Chota boots!

John gets in position to photograph members

Irene at the entrance to the old pond

Followed by her hubby Paul

Harold in his translucent canoe

Lois in the clear water - a vision in blue (kayak, paddle, PFD and jacket)

Marlene and Pam

Snack break at the horse camp crossing

Sunshine and good friends!