July 18 Pine cleanup Walker to Elm Flats
Lois Goldstein | Published on 7/18/2023
People: Boats and shuttle provided by PRPC
Solo canoe: Mark
Tandem canoes: Lois & John, Jocelyn & Mike
Personal solo canoe: Wayne
Personal kayaks: Ron, Jackie, Kathleen, Paul W
No rain, lovely scenery, lots of old cans buried. Terrific teamwork. Visit by DNR guy at lunchtime. Yummy cookies from Jackie. Sometimes we needed 6 or 8 people to grab one can, but it was worth it. Kathleen grabbed an old towel - John & I took it home and it will be used. Jackie found sunglasses; we picked them up, and gave them to neighbors. Wayne went in waist deep to grab a lot of stuff. So did Paul. Mark got stuff from his standing position. Four giant bags filled the bins at Dobson.
Ron pulls Jackie toward the river

Splash down

Lois finds a fifth of Jack Daniels half full

Scanning the river

Wayne grabs the can before it falls off his spear

Here you can see why we were able to get stuff off the bottom - clear water

Lunch - from left to right: Kathleen, Mark, Wayne, Jocelyn, Mike, Lois, Jackie, and John behind the camera. Paul was down by the river

Mark tells the story of the service for his friend Bill, and how the cross wound up in the river.

Ron looks for the can he saw when he paddled over it.

Mark shows his joy in getting another can off the river bottom

With this photo you can see Wayne's targeted can

Wayne would get a handful of trash and then hand it off/ throw it to Lois

A perfect throw and catch of a leather sandal

Jocelyn shows off her prize

Mark lifts an old floatation cushion filled with water and sand

John behind the camera From left to right Paul, Wayne, Kathleen, Lois, Jocelyn, Ron, Jackie, Mark, and Mike

Same group with Mark behind the camera, and John between Paul and Wayne