Aug. 1 - Power Island Paradise Paddle
Kathleen Imre | Published on 8/1/2023
Irene and Paul M., Jacqui, Paul W., Howie and I met at Bowers Harbor. After a quick group huddle and description of our paddling options/distances, the group chose "The Grand Circuit." Winds were light and waves were well under a foot when we launched. We made a lazy arc towards Neahtawanta Point, and from there we crossed over to "Bassett Peninsula" (a.k.a. Bassett Island)! We then hugged the coast and paddled counterclockwise around the north and west side of Power Island and pulled ashore at the east side picnic area. After a leisurely lunch, we headed out and crossed back over to somewhat north of the Buchan's Blueberry Hill area (I think!), and then followed the shore back to Bowers Harbor. By that time, there was no breeze and the water was flat, contrary to the day's forecast. This allowed us to see a "very big fish" swimming under our boats, species unknown. We thought we saw Leslie C.'s new sailboat in the distance, as the original plan was to meet her on Power for lunch. Unfortunately, the wind (or lack thereof) did not cooperate. As we were loading boats and gear, she made it to Bowers, and we had the opportunity to see Poppy up close and personal (Many "oohs" and "ahhs" could be heard!). An unusual pontoon boat launched as we were about to leave, so unfortunately, we were not able to see the half-pipe in action.
The six paddlers then formed a convoy to Buchan's Blueberry Hill for an ice cream treat, courtesy of Howie.
To sum up the day, I'll "say" it again, "We're still livin' the dream!"
Pictures by Irene and Kathleen
Bowers Harbor: Kathleen, Howie, Jacqui, Paul W., Paul M.



Jacqui, Paul W., & Kathleen at the crossing


Paul M.

Power Island Lunch Spot

Paul W., Jacqui, Howie, Irene, Paul M.


Paul W.

Leslie and Poppy

Really wish we could have seen this in action!

At Buchan's - yum!

Paul had a very berry time...