August 8 Lower Platte cleanup
Lois Goldstein | Published on 8/8/2023
We have been cleaning the Lower Platte for almost twenty years, and this was the least amount of stuff we have ever found. Two bags, max. Highlights: a kayak seat back and a large political sign.
People: Lois & John, Tom & Donna, Seth, Jacqui, Larry, Wayne, Jackie & Ron
Seth displays his first piece of trash (a tennis ball) picked from a Michigan river

A green heron

Everyone's trash that was found before lunch (i.e. between the first access and the fish weir). We have never before found so little.

Wayne gets out of his canoe to grab some litter

Tom goes back to find the can he floated over

Seth, Donna, Tom, Lois, John, Wayne, and Larry -- Jacqui was behind the camera pushing the shutter button