August 19 Upper Pine River
Lois Goldstein | Published on 8/19/2023
Report lifted from Sara's FB page:
High water at 280cfs on the Pine today, which covered many of the rocks & most of the gravel bars, so lots of fun riding riffles. We paddled from Briarpatch to Silver Creek CG, with a lunch stop at Skookum, after a portage through the branches of 2 low, downed trees, which was 30 mins downstream of the Meadowbrook Bridge. We paddled approximately 9 miles in 4 hours, including a 6 mile section which is private property. We had 2 tandem canoes, Roseanne & me, and John W & Piper riding in the bow, and 4 kayaks. Thanks to Lois for organizing, John W & Michelle, a new member, for the shuttle. Also along: Carrie - a blast from the past!
Photos by John H & Sara
John W. followed by Michelle

Roseanne in the front of Sara's canoe

Problems of the world solved over lunch

looking back upstream at the two trees that blocked our path

The mess on river right we had to cut a path through

John cutting through a log in the water

Piper, lie down!

Michelle pulls her kayak through the portage path