Today, Kathie Carpenter, John Mesch, Marv and Marlene Puska, Norm and David Fred paddled the N Br from Dam 4 to Kellogg Bridge. We stopped for lunch at Jackson Hole. The cleanup was very successful. We found less than 1/2 a bag of trash among ALL of us. What a gorgeous river! I have NEVER seen one so clean. It was cool, clear , fast and CLEAN! No other boats and no fishermen. We had the whole river to ourselves.
We had 2 canoes and 4 kayaks. Norm's "T" grip came off his Mitchell paddle but he had a spare. No worries. Now he has a project for the weekend.
Thanks to everyone to be willing to work. But we really didn't have to. Maybe we are making a difference in this area.

Here's what my paddle did on the river.

Here's what it looked like at home.