These reports are written by our neighbors Megan and Abby, who asked what they could do to thank us for taking them along. I said, "How about writing up the trip report?" Done!
Standing: John Heiam, Lois Goldstein, Mike Rodenberg, Barb Rodenberg, Bud Sawyer, Steve Somers, Maureen Anthony, Mark Anthony, Julie Puckett, Tim Puckett
Seated: Nicole VanNess, Diane Tobias, Dean Tobias, Abby Puckett, Megan Puckett
Bright and early on June 27th, I got up to a beautiful sunny day. My neighbors Lois and John were taking my family and me on the paddle club’s Lower Platte River clean up. After driving to the river and getting the canoes and kayaks down to the water, everyone was ready. All fifteen of us join in a group picture and then headed to the boats.
Bottles, cans, odds and ends soon filled the bags. My neighbor John was in the boat with me showing me how to hold the paddle. Looking over the edge you see so much wildlife! Fish filled the stream and if you were lucky you would also see muskrats, snakes, frogs, or other animals.
The calm water it made it easy to paddle. All you had to do was relax look for garbage. By lunch time we had seven bags filled between the whole group. People started to stream onto the shore at the Fish Weir to stop, eat and use the restroom.
We finished the ride by drifting slowly down the river in the slow current toward the end of the ride. The beach was just ahead of us. I got out of the canoe to help pull it into the shore. Other paddlers arrived and we had several more bags of trash to throw away.
My sister and I grabbed our lifejackets and headed to the dunes where we ran up and down the dunes into the water. It was a lot of fun! Soon other people started to load up the canoes and kayaks on top of their cars. Then we had to dry off and head home. What a great day!
Megan Puckett (age 11)

On June 27th, 2009, I woke up to see sunshine pouring in through my window. Today was the day we were going to clean the Lower Platte River. As we ate breakfast and packed I was thinking of what we might find. A treasure box? Jewels? Or just a bunch of cans?
At 8:15 our friends Lois and John picked us up and we drove to the starting point. When we got there we got ready, took a picture, and we were off. I was in a boat with Mom and Lois. As we glided along, I saw our first object. “A can!” I exclaimed happily. Then we picked it up and started up again. We soon found another can, a fish hook and lure, a Dora shoe, and glass.
It was pretty slow going until the lake. It was deeper, faster, and it was harder to pick up things. We had to use the spear for most of the objects. We soon exited the lake and were floating gently down the river again. I’ve never felt more relaxed. My eyes were alert for trash though. Lunch was soon afterwards. As I ate my quesadilla, I thought of the things to come.
We left after eating, using the bathroom, and taking a swim. On the way to Lake Michigan we didn’t find much. We did find sunglasses and more cans. Soon we saw the end nearby. To finish the day, my sister and I jumped off the dunes. When we were packed, we headed for home. What a great day!
Abby Puckett (age 9)