Who came?
Lois & John, Bert Courson, Brad Landis, Mary Lee Orr, Marv and Marlene, Fred and Judy Swartz, June Walton, Angie Willis
Where did you go?
Betsie River from Grass Lake Dam to Thompsonville
How was it?
Lots of fun with perfect weather. 75 degrees and hardly any wind.
What kind of boats were there?
Everyone had solo kayaks, no canoes or tandem boats.
Anything noteworthy?
Everyone arrived at 10am, started paddling at 11am, and were finished around 4pm. A few members realized the importance of asking the leader questions if they're confused about the shuttle. We saw a huge snapping turtle on a rock where we could paddle up real close. There was poison ivy at our lunch spot but noone got near it. Marv had luck on his side because he realized at the end of the trip that his keys and wallet were in his pocket.
written by Brad